
Driving in Rome is Crazy! – Backpacking Europe

Driving in Rome

What it's like seeing Rome by Car

I’d like to start this off by saying driving in Rome with a little Mercedes hatchback was a great decision.  Not only do you get to travel on your own time, but you have the added thrill of dodging pedestrians and mopeds.  Also, who can say that they’ve been able to drive right up to Trevi Fountain like a boss?

From the previous post about Wiki Hostel, this was still the same morning.  Well, actually it was more like noon since no one wanted to leave Zagarolo.  However, the show had to hit the road.  Finally with everyone in the car, we made our way to Rome before ultimately going to Montespertoli.

To be blunt, Italian drivers were something else.  And we’ll leave it at that!  I found sharing the roadway, both highway and alleys, equally concerning and thrilling.  It was almost like a fun little challenge seeing if you could not hit something.  I rate it 10/10 – would go driving in Rome again.

Rome: The Colosseum

Moving onto the agenda for the day, the question was – how many things can you see while driving in Rome with roughly 4 hours to spend?  Well, the answer is about three.  I zipped on over to the Colosseum while dodging everything in sight and found some parking (I think). 

The Colosseum was the fastest stop.  A few pictures from the outside and a hike up to the top of a nearby hill for better views did the trick.  No tour was needed.

Rome: Trevi Fountain

Back in the car, hunger was setting in.  Determined to get to the Trevi Fountain next, I used the trusty Google Maps to take the wheel.  Before we knew it, we were on some back alley streets FULL of people.  I don’t think it was drivable, but for today, let’s pretend it was.

Packed like sardines at the Trevi Fountain

The third and final stop was Vatican City.  On the walk over, I picked up some gelati to keep me company. 

Rome: The Vatican

The Vatican was an expansive place.  Once walking through the entrance pillars, the area opened up.  There were multiple fountains, an obelisk at the middle, and St. Peter’s Basilica was prominent on the side.  Fortunately, because it was around late afternoon, the lighting was great for some photos.

With our driving in Rome experience ending with 3/3 complete, we headed back to the whip and booked it double time to Montespertoli (3 hour drive).  I’m not going to act like the strategy was ideal, because it was far from that.  But, with the limited time, I think we did damn well!

The Most Underrated Stop while Driving in Rome

One thing I can’t leave out is how amazing the rest areas are off the highway.  There was one in particular called Chef Express that was the go-to.  I’m dead serious, these stops served up some excellent full dinners.

After finally making it to the Airbnb in the small Tuscany town, the night ended early.  We almost had a full week here, so there was a lot of down time, but also some ridiculous moments.  Stay tuned!

Recap of Places

  • The Colosseum – No description needed
  • Trevi Fountain – Go ahead, flip that coin
  • The Vatican – The holiest of lands
  • Chef Express! – I’m serious, it’s awesome

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